Monday, August 30, 2010
When sickness, stress and trials come we become weary-emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.But (because there is always a but) God says (In Matthew 11:28) "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest" I love that God who is the creator of this complex world can make things so simple for us to understand and follow-we just have to come to him. He does not say that we have to jump up 3 times, spin in a circle counterclockwise 8 times and say the alphabet backwards while rubbing our belly and patting our head. No, he makes it easy on us we just have to come. So right now Father, I come to you and ask for your rest. I place my burdens on you and ask you to turn my mourning into gladness and my sorrow into joy (Jer 31:13)
Sunday, August 1, 2010
weekend fun
I just love the weekend! Especially when the weather cooperates and I don't have many chores to do! The weekend started Friday night-after putting the baby to bed I went to the grocery store and bought lots of meat, and other essentials to put together my homemade gourmet meals. I was up until 2 am but when it is all said and done I have around 2o meals in my freezer ready to go into the crock-pot, skillet, grill or oven with no further prep. And thanks to the yummy apple cobbler cappuchino I picked on my way home I was able to complete what I had set out to do-and that is always a good feeling!

Saturday started with Evie wide awake at 6 am and since I only had been asleep for 4 hours at that point I was not thrilled, but thanks to my awesome hubby who got up with her, changed her poopy diaper and fed her breakfast and entertain her I was able to sleep in until 8am. So after I got up, Evie and I played for a bit and practiced her newest skills-walking and saying new words like monkey and car-she will even say vroom vroom while pushing the car around-that is one smart girl! Then auntie Erica came over and we showed off Evie's new skills to her, and when Evie went down for a nap Erica and I chilled in the pool after cleaning it out (by the way-thanks for the help E) when Evie awoke she got in the pool for a while but the water was a bit too cold for her taste so we hopped out and played in the yard. After getting cleaned up Dennis, Evie and I went to the Mills mall in search for some new shoes for our little walker. Dennis obviously did not know what he was getting into, but buying shoes for a toddler is serious stuff! We also picked up some new fall and winter clothes for our little girl and it kinda made me sad to be looking at 24 month size clothing-she is no longer a baby! We finished our trip with dinner at Johnny Rockets where we let Evie have fries for the first time (well, to be honest she has had a few bites of my fries in the past but this was the first time she got her own) And let me tell ya-the girl is hooked-we may have a problem on our hands but can you blame the girl? She knows what is good! And after I convinced myself that fries and milk was an acceptable dinner (because after a taste of fries who wants the sandwich) we went home and off to bed we went. Today started with a healthy breakfast that included all food groups to make up for the dinner the night before :-) Then we went to church and Dennis and I were both in the nursery and we had fun playing with our girl and her friends. Then off to steak-n-shake for lunch where Evie indulged in more fries (so I'm not gonna get the mother of the year award for fries 2 days in a row but it was so cute to see her jamming them into her mouth in excitement!) After our fry binge we headed to the zoo. She loved the monkeys and would point, say "wow" and "monkey" which comes out like monka.
She also loved the children's zoo and petting the animals. The best part was that this time she could walk around to the different exhibits in the children's zoo all by herself and she was so excited to get to the next animal she totally forgot she was not holding on to anything and was not scared a bit-she even tried chasing after a chicken that was roaming free.
We ended the day with baskin robbins and Evie got her very own scoop of vanilla ice cream (another first) she loved it and was a sticky mess by the end!
I just love weekends like this-when we spend time together watching Evie try and do new things and throw the rules (nap time, no junk food) out the window!
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