I swear, all I did was blink and this tiny, helpless baby turned into a little girl, although You would argue that you are a big girl! 3 years ago today, I held you in my arms for the first time and imagined who you would become as you grew. You, my dear, have already exceeded my expectations! It is amazing when you hold your newborn baby for the first time you think you could not possibly love them anymore than you do at that moment, but something amazing happens, your love for them grows as they grow because now I don't just love you because you are mine but for who you are. I love your sweet and funny personality. I love it when you ask me to snuggle on the couch with you when we get home from work/daycare. I love it when you randomly say "I love you mom" while we are playing when I have not even said it first. I love that you have certain likes (Dora, Cars movie, Toy Story movie, cupcakes, books) and dislikes (having your teeth brushed, or your face wiped to name a few) You say the funniest things sometimes like when I took your book away when when you were playing with it instead of going to sleep you replied " I am gonna tell your mommy!" or when you threw your arms in the air and said "Seriously! This place is a mess!" (something tells me you learned that one from me) Some of your latest phrases are "cool!" when you are excited about something or "Are you kidding me?!" ( something also tells me you got your sense of sarcasm from me too) Sometimes I think you are 3 going on 16! But along with the sarcasm you are also becoming a sweet, polite little girl. Like when you tell me "Ok mom!" most of the time when I ask you to do something. You also tell me please and thank-you on your own and are learning to ask "May I please..." when asking for something. You are a big helper, always happy to pick up toys, You even have a cute little clean up song you sing while you clean. You help me feed the dog, and help hold his leash while we walk, you throw trash away on your own, and help me with dusting too! You love to sing and know quite a few songs like Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and ABC's. You even woke us up singing a Veggie Tales song at 2 am one morning! You count to 10 in English and (with some help) in Spanish too. You have learned to use the potty and you are very proud of your big girl undies! You now are now 36 1/2" tall and weigh 29.8 lbs! You have long legs (like your daddy) and curly hair (like mommy) But you are definitely your own little person, and I love it! As you grow I pray for you. I pray first and foremost that you will grow to be a woman of God that loves Him with all of your heart and follows His Word. I pray for you to be surrounded by good friends that will always be there for you, I pray for your future husband (I know dada is not ready to think about this one yet-or maybe ever :) I pray for you to be just exactly who God intended you to be, to be confident in who you are, never compromising yourself for others. Because you, little one, are perfect just the way God made you. And God knew you were the perfect little girl for daddy and I. We love you lots! Happy Birthday, Evie bear!