Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Stop, Wait, Pray!

Every morning when I drop Evie off at preschool we pray before getting out of the car. This tradition started when she was going through a bit of separation anxiety and would cry at drop-off every morning, we started praying that the Lord would be with her and help her not to be scared. Anyway, yesterday morning I was in a bit of a rush, we woke up late, things were not going smoothly, patience was not a virtue I was practicing at that moment, tempers were flaring. You get the idea. So as I pulled up at the daycare I completely forgot to pray and started getting Evie out of her car seat and she exclaimed "Stop, Wait, we need to Pray" So, I stopped, we said our daily prayer and I dropped her off as usual. But those words stuck with me. Stop, Wait, Pray. So often in life I get caught up with daily tasks and stresses and forget to stop and wait on the Lord and spend time in prayer. I make it into something that I will do if I get time once everything else is done, but really what I need to do before anything else is pray. It is my power source. I would not expect my I-phone to be in use all day and then continue to work the next day without plugging it into the power source for a time. So why do I think that I will be able to continue to function without my power source? Amazing what a few simple words from a 4 year old can do. Tonight I took that advice to stop, wait and pray. I went to my Churches prayer night and I am feeling renewed, refreshed and encouraged. (If you don't already attend, I would highly recommend it by the way)I am also going to make it a habit to spend time in prayer each morning and get connected to my power source before starting the day.