The Pape Family
Monday, March 2, 2015
And now she's 6!
(picture taken close to her exact birth moment. I figured I would only interrupt lunch and not math time for the photo)
So, time for my yearly blog post. Evie turned 6! She was born, I blinked and now she's 6! Ok, maybe that's not quite how it all went down but it kinda feels like it. The biggest change this year was that my big girl started Kindergarten. I had all these worries and fears months prior to the big first day. I was worried that she would be scared, would cry and cling to me as I turned to leave, would be too shy to talk to anyone and therefore not make any friends. I prepared her and myself as much as possible. The first day came, my mommy nerves were at an all time high. We walked in and she sat right down, started talking to the girl next to her about unicorns and said "bye mom!" and that was that! I managed to leave the classroom before the tears started to roll. My goal was just not to let my girl see me cry-mission accomplished! She is a smart girl (must get that from her mom) and is learning lots. She is reading, writing and doing addition and subtraction. Her only downfall is that she talks-all the time! (that part she did not get from me) She is participating in the read, right and run marathon with her school in April where they will run a total of 26 miles, read 26 books and do 26 good deeds over several months. They will run the last mile as a part of the GO! St. Louis marathon events. I will running the Go! St Louis half marathon the following day. She is loving it and I am loving that she is starting healthy habits and an interest in community service at an early age. She is in dance class again this year. We decided just to take one class this year and she chose poms. We are looking forward to seeing her recital in June. She goes to the Wednesday night kid's program at our church. They just finished making pinewood derby cars that they will race next week. It was a good time for daddy to bust out his car making skills too.
OK,so those are the basics about her life as a 6 year old but let me tell you a little more about who this special little girl is as a person because I kinda think she's awesome. I won't lie, this past year has been a bit of a power struggle as she is learning her own mind and has her own strong opinions and is not afraid to voice them. As a parent this can be totally frustrating because it was so much easier when we could tell her what to do and she just did it, no questions asked. But, I realize she is not a robot. She is a person with real feelings, needs and goals. She is just in a learning stage. She is learning how to appropriately and respectfully express herself. I just have to remind myself that this process takes time and I pray for wisdom and patience as we figure this parenting thing out because believe me with each stage in a child's life comes something new. I am not entirely sure that you ever "figure out" this parenting thing though. She is a sensitive girl that feels everything so deeply. I often have to remind myself to be careful with my words so that I do not hurt her sweet spirit. She is such a grateful child and tells me Thank you with such sincerity for even the smallest things. She has a gift of encouragement. She never hesitates to tell me what a great mommy I am or if she notices me doing something that she thinks is good she will tell me what a great job I am doing. She is artistic and creative. She loves to draw, color, write stories and do crafts. She has quite an imagination at playtime as well. She is funny and sarcastic and I love that she gets some of our jokes now. She still lets me snuggle in bed with her before bedtime and it is such a sweet time between the two of us where I get to hear what is on her mind, what makes her happy, worried or sad. She tells me her problems-not that a 6 year old has really difficult problems but to her they are important and I am thankful that she shares with me and I pray that as she gets older she will continue to come to me and seek my advice. It has been amazing to see this little person that God blessed me with grow from a tiny, helpless infant into this "big" six year old girl that can do so much and is learning every day. I pray for her to grow into a woman who knows and loves God. I want her to know His grace and love and be someone that shows that same grace and love to others. I want her to be confident in the person that God created her to be, never conforming or changing to fit other's perceptions of what is "right." I am so thankful yet so overwhelmed sometimes by the task that God has given me to raise this amazing girl. I am going to try hard not to blink because I am pretty sure when I do she will be 12 and I will be sitting here trying to figure out how she grew up so fast.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
5 Years Old!
(photo taken at 12:49 pm on 2/23/14)
(blog post started on 2/23/14)
Dear Evie today you turned 5! I can't believe how fast you are growing up! I am sitting here thinking about the day we welcomed you into this world. After all of the visitors had left and it was just daddy, you and I in the hospital room I remember looking at your tiny face and feeling such love and joy but at the same time feeling overwhelmed with the task of raising you. Children don't come with instruction manuals in case you were wondering. But we figured it out. We have gone through sleepless nights, teething, illnesses, doctors visits, shots, ER visits, tantrums, time-outs, potty training, and much, much more. I am learning each day to rely on God and trust my own mommy instincts. I know we will go through much more in the years to come and I know that God will give me the patience and wisdom I need to make it through each day. The one thing I want you to remember throughout your life is to put God first and rely on him. He will equip you with whatever you need for that day. It made my mommy heart proud when you prayed tonight and asked God to help you have a good attitude.
Let's see, what has happened this past year. We have taken trips to the City Museum, The Botanical Gardens, Raging Rivers, The Godfrey Corn Maze, The Magic House, The Zoo and just tonight we went to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time.
You got your first big girl bike, and a Mustang! (a pink Barbie hot wheel one of course.) You went to vacation Bible school and made mommy proud when you memorized your Bible verses. You played mini-golf for the first time and went to your first movie in the theater (Monster's University.) You went to your first professional baseball game (The Cardinals, of course). Unfortunately they lost and you had more fun playing on your leap pad. You had to go under anesthesia for the first time to get dental work done. You were very brave when they took you back but woke from anesthesia kicking and screaming! You were in your first car accident (as a passenger of course) when a lady ran a red light into mommy's car. Thankfully we were ok. Alexis (your name for mommy's car which is a Lexus) was not quite ok-until daddy fixed her up.
You started poms class and ballet and tap again and have stuck with it this year without any tears when mommy leaves the room. You do still have to give me a hug and kiss before I leave each time, but that part I do not mind.
You started preschool and you are learning lots. You can count to 50 without any help. You know how to write all of your letters and know what sound they make. You can sound out and write small words. Your teacher says you are very smart! Your best buddy at school is still Frankie, and you are convinced you are going to marry him one day.
You like to draw, paint, color, cut, glue and do any type of craft. You and I could spend an entire day in Michaels Craft store if we had the time. You are becoming quite the artist. You even picked out your own supplies at the craft store and came up with your own craft-pipe cleaner wands.
You are silly and sarcastic-although I have no idea where you get it from. (do you sense the sarcasm here) You are thoughtful and caring. You will always tell me how much you like my necklace or outfit. You are appreciative and genuinely thankful whenever I get you anything, whether it's a granola bar for snack or new PJ's. You are a perfectionist and like things a certain way and you can get a little anxious at times when things are not just right. Again I have no idea where you get that from.(insert more sarcasm here)
You like unicorns, horses and My Little Ponies. You have just started getting into Barbie dolls (and so begins the era of tiny little pieces all over the house)You also like to play with cars. You like watching movies-Planes and Turbo were a few of your favorites this year. Some of your favorite TV shows are Sheriff Callie, Paw Patrol and Jake and the Neverland Pirates. You still love books. Going to the library to pick out new books followed by a trip to Starbucks for a chai tea latte for me and a cake pop for you and some snuggle and book reading time for us both is one of my favorite dates with my girl.
I am very proud of you. You bring such joy and happiness into our lives every day. I feel honored to have the privilege of raising you and I can't wait to see what the next year will bring. Happy Birthday big girl!
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Stop, Wait, Pray!
Every morning when I drop Evie off at preschool we pray before getting out of the car. This tradition started when she was going through a bit of separation anxiety and would cry at drop-off every morning, we started praying that the Lord would be with her and help her not to be scared. Anyway, yesterday morning I was in a bit of a rush, we woke up late, things were not going smoothly, patience was not a virtue I was practicing at that moment, tempers were flaring. You get the idea. So as I pulled up at the daycare I completely forgot to pray and started getting Evie out of her car seat and she exclaimed "Stop, Wait, we need to Pray" So, I stopped, we said our daily prayer and I dropped her off as usual. But those words stuck with me. Stop, Wait, Pray. So often in life I get caught up with daily tasks and stresses and forget to stop and wait on the Lord and spend time in prayer. I make it into something that I will do if I get time once everything else is done, but really what I need to do before anything else is pray. It is my power source. I would not expect my I-phone to be in use all day and then continue to work the next day without plugging it into the power source for a time. So why do I think that I will be able to continue to function without my power source? Amazing what a few simple words from a 4 year old can do. Tonight I took that advice to stop, wait and pray. I went to my Churches prayer night and I am feeling renewed, refreshed and encouraged. (If you don't already attend, I would highly recommend it by the way)I am also going to make it a habit to spend time in prayer each morning and get connected to my power source before starting the day.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
4 years old!

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Dear Evie...

I swear, all I did was blink and this tiny, helpless baby turned into a little girl, although You would argue that you are a big girl! 3 years ago today, I held you in my arms for the first time and imagined who you would become as you grew. You, my dear, have already exceeded my expectations! It is amazing when you hold your newborn baby for the first time you think you could not possibly love them anymore than you do at that moment, but something amazing happens, your love for them grows as they grow because now I don't just love you because you are mine but for who you are. I love your sweet and funny personality. I love it when you ask me to snuggle on the couch with you when we get home from work/daycare. I love it when you randomly say "I love you mom" while we are playing when I have not even said it first. I love that you have certain likes (Dora, Cars movie, Toy Story movie, cupcakes, books) and dislikes (having your teeth brushed, or your face wiped to name a few) You say the funniest things sometimes like when I took your book away when when you were playing with it instead of going to sleep you replied " I am gonna tell your mommy!" or when you threw your arms in the air and said "Seriously! This place is a mess!" (something tells me you learned that one from me) Some of your latest phrases are "cool!" when you are excited about something or "Are you kidding me?!" ( something also tells me you got your sense of sarcasm from me too) Sometimes I think you are 3 going on 16! But along with the sarcasm you are also becoming a sweet, polite little girl. Like when you tell me "Ok mom!" most of the time when I ask you to do something. You also tell me please and thank-you on your own and are learning to ask "May I please..." when asking for something. You are a big helper, always happy to pick up toys, You even have a cute little clean up song you sing while you clean. You help me feed the dog, and help hold his leash while we walk, you throw trash away on your own, and help me with dusting too! You love to sing and know quite a few songs like Jesus Loves Me, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and ABC's. You even woke us up singing a Veggie Tales song at 2 am one morning! You count to 10 in English and (with some help) in Spanish too. You have learned to use the potty and you are very proud of your big girl undies! You now are now 36 1/2" tall and weigh 29.8 lbs! You have long legs (like your daddy) and curly hair (like mommy) But you are definitely your own little person, and I love it! As you grow I pray for you. I pray first and foremost that you will grow to be a woman of God that loves Him with all of your heart and follows His Word. I pray for you to be surrounded by good friends that will always be there for you, I pray for your future husband (I know dada is not ready to think about this one yet-or maybe ever :) I pray for you to be just exactly who God intended you to be, to be confident in who you are, never compromising yourself for others. Because you, little one, are perfect just the way God made you. And God knew you were the perfect little girl for daddy and I. We love you lots! Happy Birthday, Evie bear!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Just Dance!
Have you ever watched a little kid dance? They don't look around to see if anyone is watching. They don't care if they have the best moves or are in rhythm. I watched Evie the other day when a song she apparently liked came on, she got a big grin on her face, complete with the squinty eyes that come whenever she smiles. Her little diaper bootie started shaking and she started swinging her arms around randomly, much like how her mama dances. She was not embarrassed or shy, she heard the music, felt the music and did what came naturally-she grooved to the music. At what point in our lives do we start to be concerned with what others think? When did I become worried that someone might laugh at my no-rhythm having self gyrating around with my one arm that always ends up in the air (according to my hubby this is how I always look when I dance, but I just claim it is my "signature move" ) Why can't I dance whenever I hear a good song, whether in my head or in reality. Like, someday I just want to be at work and be like "Why yes doctor, I did get that cardiac cath report on Mr. Jones, and I also groove on" or "Sure I will pull up those chest films for you to review and then I will show you my way cool dance moves" and then just bust out with a dance. Now that would be awesome, OK I may lose my job if I did that or at the very least be looked at like I have to heads and be known as that crazy cardiology nurse that scares patients (and doctors) with her dancing, but you have to admit, it would be fun! It is not just toddlers that feel free to dance without fear of how they will be judged, but also the "more mature population." I once saw an older couple at an outdoor concert just dancing away, totally unconcerned with the fact that no one else was dancing, they were just in the moment, they were feeling the music, and I personally thought they were adorable and that when I am "old" I hope to be the same way. But why? Why can't I just bust out with a dance now? I wish I could just not care about looking professional or pulled together all the time and just have fun, life is too short not to enjoy, so if you see me walking down the street and I stop to "bust a move" try not to laugh-at least not too hard, and maybe join in-I promise-it will be fun!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
no, I am not going crazy, or maybe I am...
A few months ago I was whining once again about my flabby post baby stomach (yes, I realize the kid is now 2 and eventually I need to quit blaming my being flabby on having a baby) Anyway, the hubby and I were laying in bed watching TV and on comes an infomercial for a workout video called Insanity which promised Insane results (if you are willing to put forth an insane amount of effort that is) in 60 days. We looked at the before and after photos and I said, without really thinking, " Now that is what I need! I need results in 60 days!' And my hubby actually did not laugh at me as I would have expected, but rather said " Hmm, I would like to have more muscles in 60 days-maybe I need this too!" we joked about "becoming buff" for a few minutes before rolling over and going to sleep. I did not think much more about it. A few days go by and the hubs walks in holding a "present" for me-that is right he found a brand new copy of the Insanity work out videos on Craig's list for about half the price! I immediately thought "Oh Lord, what have I gotten myself into?" We decided to wait to start the videos due to hubby just getting over the flu, well the DVDs sat there on top of the entertainment center, unopened for a few weeks. Fast forward to Monday June 20th , I was sitting on the couch, feeling very sluggish, no energy, out of shape and really, almost depressed and I thought-I need to do something, so I grabbed the box and opened it up and asked hubs if he was game-he was-and so began our Insanity adventure. The first night is simply a fit test to see how many reps you can do of certain exercises-ok not too hard but I did feel quite out of shape seeing how many reps the people on the DVD could do and how few I could do. But, after all this is only day one right? Day 2 came-and kicked my bootie. I had more sweat rolling off of me than I have had with any other workout, heck, I was sweating more than when I was in labor! The next day I was feeling it-I looked like an old woman trying to climb out of bed. Muscles that I did not even know I had were sore! But I stuck with it, and now I have just completed day 2 of the third week (hubby had to stop for the time after getting a really bad ear and sinus infection that caused him to get dizzy) It is hard, really hard, but I knew it would be, after all it is called Insanity, right?! But, what is amazing is my energy level is better, my mood is better, even my memory and concentration seems to be improving just by exercising 6 days a week. I also repeated the fit test on day 15 and had improvement on all of the exercises (anywhere from 3-19 more reps) I used to go to the gym a few times a week but was not pushing myself. I would go and put the hour in a half-hearted manor and expect results, and saw no change. It is definitely a challenge to commit to working out intensely 6 nights a week, especially with working full time and having a 2 year old and a house to take care of, but I need to do this for me. I am just most afraid I will spend all this time and effort and not see the results I want, but I guess only time will tell. I also hope not to lose my motivation, but it helps having a set time frame of 60 days-just make it through 60 days and then, I don't know what is next but I would love to say I completed the entire 60 day program. Oh, and as for diet, I am not following any set diet plan other than eating healthy, high protein foods (including protein bars in the morning and a protein shake after a workout) and trying to stay away from foods high in sugar and empty calories. But, I will admit I am still a dr. pepper addict and I need my caffeine so that is the one vice I have. So, there it is, and I will not post any before pics until I have after pics that I am satisfied with to display side by side.
If you have not heard of Insanity here is a link to the video (because I am technologically challenged and cannot figure out how to post a video to my blog)
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