(photo taken at 12:49pm on 2/23/13-exactly 4 years old!)
So, I am a few days late on the birthday post but that is what happens when you have a birthday party on the actual birthday-you need the time to recover and get the house back in order.
Dear Evie, I can not believe you are already 4! Where has the time gone? I pick you up and try to snuggle you like a baby and remember what it was like to touch your newborn skin and smell your little bald head, but you bring me back to reality when you roll your eyes and say "mom I am not a baby!" No, Evie you are no longer a baby. You make that very clear when I try to help you do things like take off your shirt. You get irritated and tell me "mom I can do it myself!" And, while a part of me is saddened by this reminder, I am mostly proud and happy. After all, that is the point in raising children, so that they will become independent and productive members in society.
You are very smart and do well in pre-school. You are learning how to write your letters and what word starts with what letter. I love it when we are in the car and I hear you sounding out letters that you see "SSS-Steak N' Shake!, That starts with an S!" You can write your name (Evelyn and Evie-but you prefer Evie) You are learning to use scissors and you had so much fun "helping" me cut out decorations for your birthday party. You love to color and draw and put stickers on every paper in sight. You love books, and that makes this book-worm mama's heart happy. When I took you on your first trip to the library your eyes lit up in amazement that you could pick out any of those books to take home and borrow. You love movies, and almost every Friday night we have a movie night sometimes we will get in our PJ's and snuggle in blankets and eat lots of yummy (and not so healthy) snacks while we watch the movie. Some of your favorite movies lately have been Dumbo, Finding Nemo, and pretty much any Thomas the Train movie. You love to help me bake and you are so cute in your little apron. You can be girly at times and ask me to paint your nails and put on chap stick. But at school your teacher says you are all tom-boy-playing with cars and trains and not letting any of the boys push you around. I love that about you, that you have many different sides to you. I hope you stay that way and don't ever try to be someone you are not. Don't let this world put you in a box and label you a certain way, because you my dear, are your very own person and I would not change one thing about you! You are funny, you get jokes and humor. You have a sarcastic side to you, but with your father and I as your parents it does not surprise me one bit! You are sweet and thoughtful, sometimes out of the blue you will tell me "thank you mom for this shirt, I love it." You are sensitive and can get your feelings hurt easily but only for a minute, then you are back to your bubbly self. You talk, all the time, and we never know what is going to come out of your mouth next. You love to play with your Thomas the Train toys, your Leap Pad (that you keep calling your I-pad) and your stuffed horses and dogs. You love to sing and dance and it cracks me up whenever you take off your clothes before bath time you do "the nakey dance" You will swing your hips, wiggle your booty and even shake baby bears rattle head for effect. We have fun playing Just Dance on the Wii together as well (only mommy always remains clothed :) You are such a special little girl and I could not imagine life without you. I pray for you every day, that you will come to know and serve God and always place Him first in your life. I pray for your future friends and husband-that God will bless you as much as He has me in this area. I pray for your health and safety. I pray that you will grow to do things that you love,and be who God has created you to be without worrying about what this world thinks, I pray that you will keep your sweet spirit.
I am sad to see you grow, but excited to see all that God has in store for your
one wild and precious life!
Happy 4th Birthday!
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