The next morning we went over to G-ma's house (that is what she is called because she is a cool grandma) Evie loved walking around their huge yard and I loved watching her play in that same yard that I spent so much time playing in with my cousins when I was a kid. We then headed to Joplin and picked up a few things (like potatoes for the potato gun of course) and the toddler crib rails from babies-r-us that I had a heck of a time tracking down. Evie napped in the car while Dennis and I took turns going into stores. We then headed to Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tabby's house and Evie had even more open fields to roam. She even got to see a horse and then proceeded to neigh like a horse for at least 15 minutes afterwards! The adults had fun riding Dennis' go-cart-which Dennis tried to kill me on by the way! We played croquet, ladder ball, and corn-hole because when you are in southern Missouri that is what you do (play yard games that is) We did not, however have washers which would have completed our redneck family reunion. We enjoyed a delicious meal, and a tasty cake to celebrate G-ma's B-day! After dinner it was time for bat ball which is played with regular bats and one of those big rubbery gym class balls. You would think playing with a large ball would help my odds at hitting it-it did not. I actually had to have G-pa (heis cool too) pinch hit for me-how sad is that-I have to have an 80 year old man hit for me! I would like to think of it more like I was his pinch runner but we all know the truth-Elisha sucks at sports! Oh well if someone would have collapsed on the field who do you think they would have ran to-that's right nurse Elisha! I am glad that no one collapsed-unless you count uncle Jerry sliding into base-it looked more like he threw himself to the ground- I think there was a small earthquake afterward because Uncle Jerry is not a small guy. After bat ball the cousins sat on the porch exchanging funny you tube videos on each others i-phones (except for me because I still have my Palm Treo until the end of this month-boo hoo) because no matter how country our family reunions are you can not take technology away from a group of 20's-30's year olds-Even though G-pa tried by threatening to turn off the wireless Internet.
The next morning started with church, which of course had to be the time Evie decided to repeat the word"duck" really loudly. Needless to say she did not last long in service so her and I explored the lobby until it was over. Next we went over to G-ma and G-pa's house for more yard games, and go cart riding. Later that day the guys (and Amy) broke out their guns. We took turns shooting at clay pigeons and targets with an assortment of shot guns and handguns. Evie had to go inside with her grandma at that point since guns do not scare her, in fact she would have ran right out into the range had we let her. After the regular guns got old we broke out the potato gun and shot at the billboard that sits on G-ma's property. Because what is a family reunion without at least one illegal activity. The cousin's also took a trip to the great Ozarkland which sounds like a really awesome place and I swear it was when we were like nine yrs old unfortunately Ozarkland has probably not been updated since I was nine years old and 20 years has definitely taken it's toll on the place! But I did however, find some adorable pink moccasins for Evie because every little girl needs a pair of pink moccasins! Monday before we left for home we stopped back in to G-ma's house and found that my great Uncle that lives next door had something waiting for Evie-a little red wagon that has been sitting Un-used at his house for many years. And let me tell you, that girl loves her wagon-although her and daddy tried to give mommy a heart attack when they would go flying across the yard-Evie bouncing all the way! The trip home was pretty uneventful other than some traffic and rude people at the DQ in Rolla. Evie did awesome-she slept the first half of the trip and played with toys and chattered away in her car seat the second half of the trip. We had a great weekend and enjoyed seeing family and I may be a little biased but I think we have the best family reunions! Can't wait to do it again next year!

I should add: Photos courtesy of Erica Rankin Photography :-)
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed your story....glad you all had such a wonderful time.