So Evie has officially been alive for half of a year! Wow time flies!
She is getting so big she weighed 16.6 lbs and was 25 1/2" long at her 6 month well-baby check up. She has two teeth on the bottom and just today I noticed one tooth on her top gums getting ready to push through. Which makes me think maybe I should go to bed now instead of posting a blog because if that little tooth decides to make its entrance tonight-it is gonna be a long night. Oh well, I am learning to live with 6 hrs of sleep a night. ( I used to need 8 hrs of sleep/night. -ha!) But once she goes to bed I try to get everything done and then have a little me time. She sleeps from about 7:30/8pm until 5:30/6 am which is wonderful! Sometimes on the weekends she is a good baby and sleeps until 7 am so mommy can sleep in too. I never thought I would consider 7am as sleeping in! She goes to bed really easily at night but fights sleep at naptime-she just has to know what is going on ALL the time.
She loves to play in her exersaucer and daddy loves to walk by her and pull/push every single toy on the darn thing that makes noise causing chaos and stimulation overload- but I have to admit she loves it and it is hilarious to see her flip her little head around to try and watch all the toys at once. She babbles all the time and discovers new noises daily. Today she was making this low pitch growling noise and so daddy said "let the demons out!" and she smiled and then made a sweet cooing noise as if to say "I am all better now daddy!" She loves her daddy and gets a big grin on her face even when she just hears his voice. She loved listening to him on speakerphone the other day when he called and jokingly yelled "help Evie I am stuck in this little box!(the phone) let me out!" She has got him wrapped around her little finger! I feel sorry for the young men that will one day come to the house to take her out- I am sure daddy will kindly show them his gun collection!
She rolls all around now sometimes this can be a problem-like when she rolled into her exersaucer and smacked her face. Ooops! She loves the animals and trys to reach out and pet them when she is sitting in her little bumbo seat. She laughs at everything Arnie (the dog) does-scratching, sniffing-it's all hilarious to her. She still loves daycare and tommorow will be the "big kid" in class when the older babies move up to the next class. Her teacher told her she could be the class president! Ha ha! She eats solids 2 times a day along with her bottles and is doing great with it and loves every food she has tried-she was not so sure about squash at first though.
This weekend we spent time with Grandma and Papa and Uncle Dan, Aunt Lea and cousins Dylan and Hanna-who is 3 wks younger than Evie. The girls had a blast. Evie pulled Hanna's hair-I guess she was jealous because she does not have very much but Hanna got her back by chewing on Evie's ear. It will be soo much fun watching the girls grow up together- I hope they are close like I am with my girl cousins.
In July she got to attend her first wedding-Aunt Shannon and Uncle Randy's and enjoyed seeing her relatives that came into town for the occassion. Aunt Erica still takes her picture all the time but for now she does not seem to mind. Grandpa Ken and Grandma Jo Ann are trying to make her into a cardinals fan and love to sit on the couch and watch the game with her when we come over-they even bought her a cardinals onesie!
Dennis and I are also doing well-although I will not post our current height and weight! Lol! I am still working as a cardiology nurse and Evie attends the daycare at the hospital that I work at. Dennis is still an auto body painter although he has moved to different shops a few times since Huey's Honda sold the shop he had been working at for 8 years. But God has always provided income and has provided work for him when he needs it. I think we make a pretty good team raising Evie and running a home although it has taken some adjustments on both parts. We try to spend time with each other once she is in bed and sometimes Den will pick up a movie and dinner while I am putting Evelyn to bed and then once she is down we have the rest of the evening to enjoy time together-unless of course I fall asleep during the movie. Some things never change-I have always fallen asleep during movies! We love life and enjoy our little family- Life is good!
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