I also have been keeping busy, still working as a cardiology nurse. I enjoy working with the doctors and patients. Evie is at the daycare at the hospital that I work at and I love to go see her on my luchbreak! Evie has been busy learning all sorts of new things. She waves hi and bye and sometimes will say buh buh (bye bye) as she waves goodbye. She says mama, dada and baba (bottle) and has attempted to say puppy (comes out like "pu"). She loves to mimick us when we blow raspberries, click our tounges or stick out our tounges-we are teaching her such great things (can you sense my sarcasm?!) she claps her hands-especially if we cheer. She loves "dance" when we put on music. Dancing for her involves shaking her head around and waving her arms in the air like a mad woman-but it is very cute I must say! She finally decided to start crawling about a month ago and now she is everywhere-she has a weird half army half inch bug looking crawl but she can get across a room in seconds! She is just starting to pull up on things-mainly my pant leg as she tries to climb up me! She is starting to get the hang of table foods and finger foods but as of now wants nothing to do with a sippy cup! I even tried drinking from a sippy cup to show her how much fun it was to drink like a big girl but she just threw her sippy cup down in fury and screamed until I gave her a bottle! Guess we will have to keep working on that one! She sleeps all night and generally takes good naps, often she will sit up and talk to herself in her crib until she gets tired enough to fall asleep. Christmas was soo much fun and we enjoyed watching Evie open her presents-although I could have saved a lot of money and just wrapped up empty boxes since she had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and eating bows. We are now in the process of planning her first birthday party-I can't believe my baby is almost 1! Where has the time gone?!
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