I also love presents-not necessarily receiving them although I think no matter how old I get I will always get a bit of a thrill from shaking a present with crisp wrapping paper and shiny bow while trying to guess what might be inside. I love picking out the perfect gift and then selecting the perfect wrapping paper complete with the matching ribbon and tag. And of course I love to coordinate all the presents under the tree because, well, this is me we are talking about and those kind of touches make me feel quite giddy!
I love Christmas music-the old stuff and the newer, re-made songs-I love them all. I love to sing along to them and dance to them (although the singing may be off key and the dancing downright scary) I also love to wrap the above mentioned presents while listening to Christmas music, and although I may act irritated when radio stations and stores play Christmas music before Thanksgiving, deep down I am really thrilled, because if I could get away with it I would probably listen to it all year long.
I love the light displays and every time I pass by a colorfully decorated lawn I am reminded of "The Way of Lights" display and the Precious Moment's Chapel in Carthage, Missouri that my family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins would go to every year, and although I am quite sure it was the same every year, it always felt like it was the first time I was seeing it.
I love all the food-baking and decorating Christmas cookies, candy canes, hot-chocolate, baked ham-again I could go on and on-no wonder I gain so much over the holidays. But really, it is totally worth it!
I love the classic movies-"It's a wonderful Life", "How the Grinch stole Christmas", "a Christmas Carol" and many more.
I love Christmas! Can you tell? I am telling you, Christmas to me is like catnip to a cat or crack to a drug addict-not trying to promote the use of illicit drugs here people, but seriously I think Christmas has a strange effect on me-I get giddy and silly, I feel like a kid again, I have the best memories of past Christmases and look forward to the future as I pass these traditions down to Evie, and hopefully when she is almost 30 (not that I am that old yet, of course) she will still feel like a kid again-at least for the month of December!