Saturday, December 4, 2010


I love Christmas! I love putting up the tree (or in my case 3 trees-yes I am slightly obsessive) and as I pull out each ornament from the box and unwrap it from it's safe cocoon of tissue paper I am taken back to where I was when I bought or received the ornament. My mom had given us one with 2 snuggling snow-people on our first Christmas as a married couple when we were still starry eyed newly weds-only having been married a little over 3 months at that point. There is a fragile shell ornament that we bought on our honeymoon in the Bahama's-I remember standing in the street market with the hot sun beating down on us trying to decide on the perfect ornament to hang on our first tree. And of course now there hangs an ornament of a pudgy baby bear sucking on a pacifier and clutching a bottle to signify Evie's first Christmas. I even have an angel ornament from my Grandma dated 1984! I love the glowing lights on the tree, the soft velvet tree skirt, the glisten of the satin ribbons. I could go on and on-and I am still only on part one of why I love Christmas!
I also love presents-not necessarily receiving them although I think no matter how old I get I will always get a bit of a thrill from shaking a present with crisp wrapping paper and shiny bow while trying to guess what might be inside. I love picking out the perfect gift and then selecting the perfect wrapping paper complete with the matching ribbon and tag. And of course I love to coordinate all the presents under the tree because, well, this is me we are talking about and those kind of touches make me feel quite giddy!
I love Christmas music-the old stuff and the newer, re-made songs-I love them all. I love to sing along to them and dance to them (although the singing may be off key and the dancing downright scary) I also love to wrap the above mentioned presents while listening to Christmas music, and although I may act irritated when radio stations and stores play Christmas music before Thanksgiving, deep down I am really thrilled, because if I could get away with it I would probably listen to it all year long.
I love the light displays and every time I pass by a colorfully decorated lawn I am reminded of "The Way of Lights" display and the Precious Moment's Chapel in Carthage, Missouri that my family, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins would go to every year, and although I am quite sure it was the same every year, it always felt like it was the first time I was seeing it.
I love all the food-baking and decorating Christmas cookies, candy canes, hot-chocolate, baked ham-again I could go on and on-no wonder I gain so much over the holidays. But really, it is totally worth it!
I love the classic movies-"It's a wonderful Life", "How the Grinch stole Christmas", "a Christmas Carol" and many more.
I love Christmas! Can you tell? I am telling you, Christmas to me is like catnip to a cat or crack to a drug addict-not trying to promote the use of illicit drugs here people, but seriously I think Christmas has a strange effect on me-I get giddy and silly, I feel like a kid again, I have the best memories of past Christmases and look forward to the future as I pass these traditions down to Evie, and hopefully when she is almost 30 (not that I am that old yet, of course) she will still feel like a kid again-at least for the month of December!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Happy Halloween! (ok so I am a little late)

Let me just say, if I thought Halloween was fun before having a child I was wrong-Halloween with a toddler who is just learning the concept of trick-or -treating, now that is really fun! Last year we dressed Evie up in her flower costume and she was adorable, of course. We took her around the neighborhood in her stroller,but she really had no concept of what was going on or what we were doing. This year we dressed her up as a ballerina. Her grandma sewed her the most beautiful little costume, and we completed the look with some "ballet slippers" from target (rubber bottom sock/shoes that were made to look like ballet slippers)
Friday she took part in her Halloween party at daycare. Her teachers loved her costume and were quite impressed with grandma's sewing skills and of course my ability to shop for cute shoes. The classes took turns trick-or-treating and passing out treats-and yes I was the dorky mom that brought raisins and goldfish crackers for the kids-but at least she won't know I am the dorky mom for another few years. And although the kids were not allowed to eat their treats until they went home-she still learned a very "bad" word that day-candy! I did have to "steal" her for a bit to show her off in her costume to my co-workers (one of the many advantages to having a daycare onsite) And even the sternest doctor that I work for admitted that she was pretty darn cute! (that was after he teased me about not working and instead playing with Evie all day) That evening Evie had a blast carrying her treat bag around the house and shaking it it to hear the candy rattle around. I made the mistake of giving her the fruit snacks out of her bag as an after dinner treat because then she realized all the treats in her bag were edible and of course she must eat them. She brought me a bag of skittles and pleaded "candy! eat! candy! eat!" and when I told her no she threw herself to the ground and cried her baby blues out until she got distracted by the TV-then all was well. I have to admit her tantrum was kind of funny but I did manage to keep my stern mom face on the entire time. Saturday we went to a fall party/bonfire at Aunt Lea and Uncle Dan's house and Evie had a blast playing with her cousins and friends and gathering pine cones from their huge yard. She even attempted "bobbing" for corn. (corn hung from strings on a clothesline, and you try to pull the corn off using only your mouth) when she saw the older kids try she thought it was hilarious and took a turn for herself. She liked the bonfire-a little too much and probably would have ran right into it if we had let her. She would only sit still on Papa's lap and they had fun singing along to the music that was playing. I think she also liked the marshmallows that Papa kept sneaking her. Sunday she woke up with watery eyes and a runny nose-she looked kind of pitiful so we took it easy and snuggled on the living room floor with blankets, pillows and a veggie tale movie. After a 3 hour nap and some nasal spray she was ready to go-trick-or-treating that is. Aunt Erica came over to take some pictures of the little ballerina and made the mistake of telling Evie to "say cheese" to which Evie responded by running into the kitchen, pounding on the fridge and demanding "cheese! cheese!" so we had to give her some cheese since aunt Erica "offered" it. After getting her picture taken by mom, grandma and Erica we were ready for the main event. We loaded her up in her wagon, and we were off, but we quickly discovered that little miss independent wanted to walk on her own, and that is what she did. She was not shy at all! She waked right up and declared "tee to teat" (trick or treat) and with some prompting from mommy she would pick her candy, and give a grin and a "tank too" (thank you) and a quick "bye bye" before heading off to the next house. And she would not just walk to the next house, but rather run down the sidewalk declaring "go go go" Her pure excitement over such a small thing as getting candy was so much fun to watch. She was so proud of herself for being a "big girl" and picking out her own candy. I think her mama was beaming with as much pride as she watched her baby turn into a "big girl." I think I laughed almost the entire time just watching her in amazement-I am still not sure who had more fun. As the evening wore on our little miss began to get tired and a wee bit cranky and had an all out meltdown when I tried to help her with her candy bag-she had a death grip on that thing! So, we headed home and off to bed she went. And the big kids (Erica, Dennis and myself) spent the rest of the evening parked in front of the bonfire sipping apple cider, eating chili and chatting with neighbors. It was a perfect end to the day!

Friday, October 15, 2010

I Surrender

  1. All to Jesus I surrender;
    All to Him I freely give;
    I will ever love and trust Him,
    In His presence daily live.
    • Refrain:
      I surrender all,
      I surrender all;
      All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
      I surrender all.
  2. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Humbly at His feet I bow,
    Worldly pleasures all forsaken;
    Take me, Jesus, take me now.
  3. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Make me, Savior, wholly Thine;
    Let me feel the Holy Spirit,
    Truly know that Thou art mine.
  4. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Lord, I give myself to Thee;
    Fill me with Thy love and power;
    Let Thy blessing fall on me.
  5. All to Jesus I surrender;
    Now I feel the sacred flame.
    Oh, the joy of full salvation!
    Glory, glory, to His Name!
  6. I woke up this morning with these lyrics going through my head. It is an old hymn-not a new upbeat worship song that I usually sing but one I have known since I was very little. And it really has made me think. What does it mean to truly surrender? So, as I often do I looked it up and it's meaning is powerful: To yield to the possession or power of another; to give up oneself; to give up, abandon or relinquish. So when I say I surrender to Jesus I am literally giving up myself, and letting him take control. This can be a terrifying thought for a control freak like me, but sometimes even control freaks need to let go, and let me tell you, letting it go into Jesus' hands is the best place to put something when you give up control.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

facebook fast

Lately I have realized that I am spending too much time on facebook-reading up on what "sally" ate for dinner or what "jane" thinks about a tv show-when really? what does it matter? Now I know "sally" eating a cheeseburger or "jane" watching one tree hill are not bad things, they don't bother me but then there are the posts that cause drama. And maybe the poster did not intend to cause drama-so why do things irritate me soo much? Why do I feel as though their opinions are an open attack on me and my lifestyle? I am who I am and I do what I do and I need to not worry about how other people feel about that. The One that I should be concerned about pleasing probably would not be pleased by my gossiping and stressing about what is said on facebook. Philippians 4:8 says: Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. Now I realize many people post good things on facebook-getting a new job, picture of a new baby, etc. and that is why I will be back on facebook again, but for right now I need to step away from the negative things and focus on good things. I need to learn to find my acceptance in Christ alone-because he is the one that created me to be who I am. He knows my heart. He is the one that decides what is right and wrong. He is the One I am living for. So for now I am taking a fast from facebook.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

a day with my Evie bear

S0 this morning my little Evie bear decided to wake up at 5:45 am-although she did talk to her stuffed bear and glow-worm for about 30 minutes and then she got irritated and wanted her mama and her milk, so alas, I got up and snuggled my girl and we looked at books while she drank milk from her sippy-cup. After we got ready for the day daddy took us girls out for breakfast at IHOP-one of our favorite places. And Evie actually ate more food then what she threw/dropped on the ground-amazing! Once we were done with breakfast daddy had to leave to go help "papa" chop some trees down ('cuz that's what country folks do :-) So my little lady and I went to another favorite place-Target! We picked up a few household items along with some cute fall clothes for my girl. Next stop was the park. I packed up a picnic lunch, a blanket (actually a beach towel) some hand sanitizer (essential when playing at the park with a toddler) after loading our items and Evie into the stroller-we were off! We walked (or rather I walked) to St. Ferdinand Park and Evie fell fast asleep in the stroller-another amazing thing since I think the last time she fell asleep in the stroller was when she was like 6 months old-but I guess when you wake up at 5:45 am you are ready for a snooze by 10:30 am!

We got the park and Evie became wide awake when she saw the playground-she climbed up and down, slid down the slide, climbed up the slide and then when all that got old she played in the sand from the near by sand volleyball court.
All that playing made mommy and Evie hungry so we stopped to eat our picnic lunch of cheese, crackers, ham, turkey, grapes, blueberries, milk (her) and of course a dr. pepper (me) And a third amazing feat happened-she actually sat on the blanket and ate for a solid 5 minutes before getting up to run around! So, we took our leftover crackers and fed the ducks in the pond and Evie declared "duck duck duck" like a million times but at least they really were ducks (sometimes she calls any small animal a duck.)

After the duck pond mommy was getting worn out from trying to keep Evie from jumping into the pond with the ducks so we decided (err I decided) that it was time to head home. And let me tell you walking to the park while pushing a 23 lb toddler and 10 lbs of our crap (while wearing jeans and flip flops) sounded like a great idea at 10:30 am but by 12:30 pm my feet ached, and I had sweat pouring down my face-I was a hot mess! Upon arriving home I announced it was nap time-Evie disagreed and proceeded to babble and whine and talk to her stuffed bear and glow worm and refuse to sleep-but I was not about to give up and she finally gave in and went to sleep and so did I and let me tell you, we both felt 100 times better after our nap, when she woke up we snuggled on the couch and watched cartoons until we were both fully awake. I love those few times she actually will hold still long enough to snuggle with me. After snack, and playing with some little people for a while we went to Old Time Pottery and purchased some new fall decor-including a scarecrow for Evie. I have had 2 scarecrows-a man and a women sitting on the porch for fall for several years and last year got away from me and I never bought one to represent our little girl. So now our scarecrow family is complete.

After stopping by aunt Jessi's house for a quick visit we went home for dinner, bath, and some more snuggle time and book reading. Once Evie went to dreamland I got out my fall decor and decorated the porch and living room. Every year I say that I don't have time to decorate for fall and I am not going to do it but I always end up decorating for fall because I love this season so much and it does not feel like fall unless I have my fall colors and pumpkins out! So now I sit here taking in the scent of pumpkin spice candles and reflecting on my day with my sweet girl. I love her soo much and I love days when we get to spend time with each other-just her and I, and I hope that she enjoys them just as much as I do.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

weekend in the country

This weekend we traveled to Carthage Missouri to get together with family and celebrate grandma Compton's birthday. After loading the truck with all the essentials: go-cart, potato gun and some clothes and a pack-n-play too, we were ready to head out. We left Friday evening so that Evie would sleep for the entire trip-which she did. Only problem- mommy and daddy were getting pretty close to sleeping too. That last hour I made Dennis constantly talk to me so that I would know he was awake. We got the the hotel and of course Evie woke up and was ready to play. The child did NOT want to sleep and we DID want to sleep, so I ended up laying on the floor next to the pack and play-which totally grossed me out since it is a hotel and who knows who was in the room before us. After standing in the crib and staring down at me for about 20 minutes Evie finally decided to give in and go to sleep. At some point I dozed off and had a nightmare that involved precious moments dolls chasing me like Chuckie did in those horror films. (we were staying at the precious moment's hotel because the precious moment's chapel is about the only tourist attraction in Carthage and those dolls are kinda freaky looking especially in a picture above your bed at 2 am!)
The next morning we went over to G-ma's house (that is what she is called because she is a cool grandma) Evie loved walking around their huge yard and I loved watching her play in that same yard that I spent so much time playing in with my cousins when I was a kid. We then headed to Joplin and picked up a few things (like potatoes for the potato gun of course) and the toddler crib rails from babies-r-us that I had a heck of a time tracking down. Evie napped in the car while Dennis and I took turns going into stores. We then headed to Uncle Jeff and Aunt Tabby's house and Evie had even more open fields to roam. She even got to see a horse and then proceeded to neigh like a horse for at least 15 minutes afterwards! The adults had fun riding Dennis' go-cart-which Dennis tried to kill me on by the way! We played croquet, ladder ball, and corn-hole because when you are in southern Missouri that is what you do (play yard games that is) We did not, however have washers which would have completed our redneck family reunion. We enjoyed a delicious meal, and a tasty cake to celebrate G-ma's B-day! After dinner it was time for bat ball which is played with regular bats and one of those big rubbery gym class balls. You would think playing with a large ball would help my odds at hitting it-it did not. I actually had to have G-pa (heis cool too) pinch hit for me-how sad is that-I have to have an 80 year old man hit for me! I would like to think of it more like I was his pinch runner but we all know the truth-Elisha sucks at sports! Oh well if someone would have collapsed on the field who do you think they would have ran to-that's right nurse Elisha! I am glad that no one collapsed-unless you count uncle Jerry sliding into base-it looked more like he threw himself to the ground- I think there was a small earthquake afterward because Uncle Jerry is not a small guy. After bat ball the cousins sat on the porch exchanging funny you tube videos on each others i-phones (except for me because I still have my Palm Treo until the end of this month-boo hoo) because no matter how country our family reunions are you can not take technology away from a group of 20's-30's year olds-Even though G-pa tried by threatening to turn off the wireless Internet.
The next morning started with church, which of course had to be the time Evie decided to repeat the word"duck" really loudly. Needless to say she did not last long in service so her and I explored the lobby until it was over. Next we went over to G-ma and G-pa's house for more yard games, and go cart riding. Later that day the guys (and Amy) broke out their guns. We took turns shooting at clay pigeons and targets with an assortment of shot guns and handguns. Evie had to go inside with her grandma at that point since guns do not scare her, in fact she would have ran right out into the range had we let her. After the regular guns got old we broke out the potato gun and shot at the billboard that sits on G-ma's property. Because what is a family reunion without at least one illegal activity. The cousin's also took a trip to the great Ozarkland which sounds like a really awesome place and I swear it was when we were like nine yrs old unfortunately Ozarkland has probably not been updated since I was nine years old and 20 years has definitely taken it's toll on the place! But I did however, find some adorable pink moccasins for Evie because every little girl needs a pair of pink moccasins! Monday before we left for home we stopped back in to G-ma's house and found that my great Uncle that lives next door had something waiting for Evie-a little red wagon that has been sitting Un-used at his house for many years. And let me tell you, that girl loves her wagon-although her and daddy tried to give mommy a heart attack when they would go flying across the yard-Evie bouncing all the way! The trip home was pretty uneventful other than some traffic and rude people at the DQ in Rolla. Evie did awesome-she slept the first half of the trip and played with toys and chattered away in her car seat the second half of the trip. We had a great weekend and enjoyed seeing family and I may be a little biased but I think we have the best family reunions! Can't wait to do it again next year!

Monday, August 30, 2010


When sickness, stress and trials come we become weary-emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually.But (because there is always a but) God says (In Matthew 11:28) "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest" I love that God who is the creator of this complex world can make things so simple for us to understand and follow-we just have to come to him. He does not say that we have to jump up 3 times, spin in a circle counterclockwise 8 times and say the alphabet backwards while rubbing our belly and patting our head. No, he makes it easy on us we just have to come. So right now Father, I come to you and ask for your rest. I place my burdens on you and ask you to turn my mourning into gladness and my sorrow into joy (Jer 31:13)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

weekend fun

I just love the weekend! Especially when the weather cooperates and I don't have many chores to do! The weekend started Friday night-after putting the baby to bed I went to the grocery store and bought lots of meat, and other essentials to put together my homemade gourmet meals. I was up until 2 am but when it is all said and done I have around 2o meals in my freezer ready to go into the crock-pot, skillet, grill or oven with no further prep. And thanks to the yummy apple cobbler cappuchino I picked on my way home I was able to complete what I had set out to do-and that is always a good feeling!

Saturday started with Evie wide awake at 6 am and since I only had been asleep for 4 hours at that point I was not thrilled, but thanks to my awesome hubby who got up with her, changed her poopy diaper and fed her breakfast and entertain her I was able to sleep in until 8am. So after I got up, Evie and I played for a bit and practiced her newest skills-walking and saying new words like monkey and car-she will even say vroom vroom while pushing the car around-that is one smart girl! Then auntie Erica came over and we showed off Evie's new skills to her, and when Evie went down for a nap Erica and I chilled in the pool after cleaning it out (by the way-thanks for the help E) when Evie awoke she got in the pool for a while but the water was a bit too cold for her taste so we hopped out and played in the yard. After getting cleaned up Dennis, Evie and I went to the Mills mall in search for some new shoes for our little walker. Dennis obviously did not know what he was getting into, but buying shoes for a toddler is serious stuff! We also picked up some new fall and winter clothes for our little girl and it kinda made me sad to be looking at 24 month size clothing-she is no longer a baby! We finished our trip with dinner at Johnny Rockets where we let Evie have fries for the first time (well, to be honest she has had a few bites of my fries in the past but this was the first time she got her own) And let me tell ya-the girl is hooked-we may have a problem on our hands but can you blame the girl? She knows what is good! And after I convinced myself that fries and milk was an acceptable dinner (because after a taste of fries who wants the sandwich) we went home and off to bed we went. Today started with a healthy breakfast that included all food groups to make up for the dinner the night before :-) Then we went to church and Dennis and I were both in the nursery and we had fun playing with our girl and her friends. Then off to steak-n-shake for lunch where Evie indulged in more fries (so I'm not gonna get the mother of the year award for fries 2 days in a row but it was so cute to see her jamming them into her mouth in excitement!) After our fry binge we headed to the zoo. She loved the monkeys and would point, say "wow" and "monkey" which comes out like monka.

She also loved the children's zoo and petting the animals. The best part was that this time she could walk around to the different exhibits in the children's zoo all by herself and she was so excited to get to the next animal she totally forgot she was not holding on to anything and was not scared a bit-she even tried chasing after a chicken that was roaming free.

We ended the day with baskin robbins and Evie got her very own scoop of vanilla ice cream (another first) she loved it and was a sticky mess by the end!
I just love weekends like this-when we spend time together watching Evie try and do new things and throw the rules (nap time, no junk food) out the window!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Delirious - Majesty Lyrics

Here I am humbled by Your Majesty,
Covered by Your grace oh friend.
Here I am knowing I'm a sinful man,
Covered by the blood of the Lamb.
Now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrifice.

Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in Your hands.

Here I am humbled by the love that You give,
Forgiven so that I can forgive.
So here I stand,
Knowing that I am Your desire,
Sanctified by glory and fire.
And now I've found the greatest love of all is mine,
Since You laid down Your life,
The greatest sacrife.

Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
Empty handed but alive in your hands.
Singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the presence of Your Majesty.

We're singing Majesty, Majesty.
Your grace has found me just as I am,
And I'm nothing but alive in Your hands.
We're singing Majesty, Majesty.
Forever I am changed by Your love,
In the beauty of Your Majesty.

This song has been on my mind since church today. How awesome is it that God finds us where we are in our sin and meets us there with his grace. And when we are met by his grace we are forever changed by His Love. He is Majesty!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Days Like Today....

I love days like today, where you declare to the world (or maybe just to the basket of laundry waiting to be folded) "I am just gonna' have fun!" Days when you don't have a plan or even an agenda, just a friend that is willing to go along for the ride. Where you realize what is important in life-spending time with those we love and living life to the fullest! Now there will still be days when my perfectonistic self will be slaving away scrubbing floors while I try to keep my little one entertained with a dust pan (yes I have done that-don't judge) but today was not one of those days. It was a day to relax, and not do anything "productive" at all. It was a day to enjoy fatty foods, without guilt (or going to the gym afterwards) A day to enjoy the sun and fresh air and water. It was a day to let my hair down, and go with the flow-not something a melancholy-choleric can do so easily but even I need those days. Days like today are refreshing, and I need to make time to have more days like today! Thank you friend for coming on this ride with me and helping me to realize what is important in my life.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My two sides

So I have multiple personalities-ok not really, but I have realized that I have 2 sides to me that are very different. Look at the above picture, what do you see? A motorcycle jacket and helmet-someone ready to go for a daring ride, right? But check out the bottom half-a button down skirt-serious working mommy with a lot of responsibilities.
After almost 2 years of persuading, my hubby finally got me to go out on a motorcycle ride with him. And after I got over that "I'm gonna hurl" feeling as we proceeded onto the entrance ramp of Hwy 270, I actually had fun! I began to relax and feel the wind blowing past and I started to notice things around me in a different way. I felt young and free, not worrying about what Evie ate for dinner, or if I remembered to put the towels in the dryer. Once we got off the highway we even had fellow bikers pull up and talk with us-they had no idea about my "other side" they just saw me as some "biker chic."
But, my other side is who I am most of the time. I am a mommy, a wife and a nurse-responsible for my child, my husband, my patients, my home. I am safe, I don't take risks. I worry about whether Evie should eat peas or carrots for dinner and which sunscreen will offer the best protection against UVB and UVA rays-not something this cool "biker chic" would concern herself with.
So the question of the day- Is it possible to be both? and if it is-how do I combine the two? and the answer-Yes, I think I can still be fun and free-to some degree and still be a good mom. Now how to combine the two-I am still working on that one, but maybe one day I will figure it out.

Monday, June 7, 2010

15 months old-oh my!

Recently we have had to deal with tantrums, whining, getting into everything-the not so much fun stuff about having a 15 month old-but today I am not going to talk about that. No, today I will focus on what I love about my 15 month old because she is only this age once and no matter what "bad" things we have to deal with I want to remember all the good things about a 15 month old. So Here I go:

What I love about having a 15 month old:

She finds excitement in everything around her, everything is new and an adventure-a bug, a flower, dirt (an apparently dirt is a fun thing to eat), grass, a chirping bird, a barking dog (which are both fun to mimic) She helps me to remember to "stop and smell the roses" so to speak.
She is learning a new word almost every day-you can see pure concentration on her face as we repeat a word while holding up an object, then she either silently mouths or whispers the word until she knows she has it correct (she is a bit of a perfectionist like that mommy of hers) then once she has it she proudly belts it out-"DUCK!" with that huge eye squinting grin of hers. She has quite the vocabulary now (mama, dada, puppy, kitty, up, hi, bye, no, uh-oh, tickle, backpack-thanks to Dora, and more recently fishy and duck. to name a few) It is so amazing to watch this little person learning our language!

She is a lot easier to pack for- no bottles, formula, baby food, burp clothes. It is so much easier to go to a restaurant and order off the menu for her when we go out.

She mimics everything we do from picking up a phone and saying "hi" to blowing kisses, making a crazy face and growling (Dada taught her that of course). Washing her hands at her little tike's sink (she made her germaphobe mama so proud!) Picking up a tissue out of the box and "blowing" her nose-although she has yet to actually get anything out-which would be helpful. (sorry it that is TMI) She pretends to cough or sneeze if we do. She will do the oh so popular (or at least in the Rankin household) "Home Alone face" (one hand to each cheek with the mouth open) -It was made famous by Aunt Shannon-probably when she was around 15 months old.
She is becoming more and more independent every day-feeding herself (for the most part-although half of it ends up on the floor or Arnie's mouth) , entertaining herself (although the "entertainment" is usually rearranging mama's kitchen or pulling all of her clothes out of her drawers, or all the books off her shelf)
... but she is still my baby that cruises over to me and lifts her arms up for a quick cuddle before returning back to playtime.

And I LOVE that she gives me kisses now when I ask-it melts my heart! And I know that although she cannot say the words "I love you" yet-I know she does and I love my little Evie-bear right back!

Monday, May 10, 2010

So for mother's day Evie "made" me a picture with a little poem (with the help of her daycare teachers of course) and honestly it brought tears to my eyes, so I just thought I would share the poem:

Hand prints

Sometimes you get discouraged

because I am so small

And always leave my fingerprints

on furniture and walls.

But every day I'm growing-

I'll be grown some day.

And all those tiny hand prints

will surely fade away.

So here's a little hand print

Just so you can recall

exactly how my fingers looked

wen I was very small.

and at the bottom were her little purple hand prints

This poem touched me since just a few days before I found myself grumbling about her fingerprints all over the TV-but one day she will be grown and I will miss those tiny hand prints covering my home. Evie girl, I love you so much and am proud to be your mommy and next time I see your hand prints covering something, I will smile and cherish this time that you are small. Because, as everyone has told me since you were growing in my belly and I am now finding it to be true-babies grow up too fast!


Often times I find myself saying a common phrase, one that many people use: "I will get to that tomorrow." For example, when I have spend all day cleaning, and not much time playing with my daughter I may rationalize it by saying "tomorrow I will spend more time with my girl". When the day is coming to an end and exhaustion is setting in, I reason "tomorrow I will read my devotions because I am just too tired tonight." After rushing out of the house in the morning with no more than a quick "bye" to my husband I reassure myself with the thought "tomorrow I will remember to kiss him and tell him that I love him." After a busy day at work I may think "tomorrow will be a better day to tell that hurting person about God's love." When I get too busy to call a friend or family member that I have not talked to in a while I tell myself "I will get to that call tomorrow."
But, we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. My tomorrow may never come. I do not know what tommorw will bring for me or for those I love. I may not get another opportunity to cuddle with my sweet baby. I may never get another day to spend playing and laughing with her. I may never have another chance to say " I love you" that one last time to my soul mate. I may not get another moment to share God's love with that hurting person. I may never be able to make that phone call to a loved one. My time on this earth is temporary for Heaven is my eternal home, but while I am here on this earth for a short time I pray that I can make each moment matter. God, help me keep my priorities in line, help me not to be distracted by the things of this world, but to keep focused on You first and foremost and secondly on those you have placed in my life while I am on this earth. Thank you God for my family and friends-I am truly blessed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

lions and tigers and bears-oh my!

OK, maybe my post title should read-penguins, goats and a carousel-oh my! We took Evie to the zoo for the first time on Saturday and it was fun! We went with our good friends the Clayton family. Once we got to the zoo, navigated a good parking spot and figured out what the heck a zoo-goer pass included we were ready to begin our adventure. We first headed to the carousel-why?-because it is free before 10 am of course! I envisioned an adorable photo-op of Evie with a grinning face sitting on top of a cute little monkey figurine as we gently glided up and down-instead I got a terrified baby that had a death grip on me, and and an out of focus picture of a poor scared, shaking baby-but at that point we could not get off so we just made the best of it and tried to comfort her all while thinking-"can't wait to share this story of her first carousel ride with her once she is a teenager"-I am sure we will all be able to laugh about it someday!Next stop the angry gorillas-they were playing some sort of hide and seek game with each other, and then one beat on it's chest which created a huge thud-we asked the guys if they could make that noise when banging on their chests-they could not. I think the gorillas were more entertaining for the adults. After that we headed towards the children's zoo-which was a hit! She loved "petting" (or grabbing and smacking) the goats! They had to have been a bit sedated as they just sat there as children grabbed,hugged and pulled their horns-oh wait that was my 29 year old husband that was grabbing the horns (he "just wanted to know what they would do") Evie even dropped her beloved paci to the ground in her excitement. She also pet the guinea pigs but wanted nothing to do with the snake. From there we had a picnic lunch-let me tell you trying to get a one year old to eat her food (her own food and not another person's food) while sitting on a blanket on the ground is no easy task-she really just wanted to crawl around and investigate what everyone else was eating ("but mom-I found it on the ground fair and square") After lunch we visited some more animals and my little actress had fun copying the birds "woo-hoos" causing a good laugh from our group. We walked around and saw various other animals but she was too tired to care and ended up dozing in the stroller. I wish I could have dozed in the stroller too! We ended our day at the penguin house which was cold-but she enjoyed watching the penguins-until they splashed her in the face with cold water which elicited a cry and another death grip on mommy. Poor girl-but all in all I think she had a good day! Can't wait to go again!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

One year ago today....

(taken 2/23/10 at 12:49pm-exactly one year old!)

My Dear sweet Evie,

One year ago today I looked into your beautiful blue eyes for the first time and fell in love. In fact, one year ago today I learned what unconditional love was. I kissed your sweet soft cheek for the first time and have kissed your sweet face every day for a year. One year ago today I saw your daddy cry like he has never cried-tears rolling down his face-without shame but with pride as he held his little girl for the first time. One year ago today I became a mommy. One year ago today I proudly showed you off to our friends and family for the first time as they gathered to meet you. One year ago today I snuggled you and fed you for the first time. One year ago today I rocked you to sleep for the first time. One year ago today my life was thrown into a tailspin of dirty diapers, bottles, crying (both of us),teething, illnesses and no sleep-all completely worth it of course.

In one year you have learned so much-you eat on your own, crawl, pull up to a stand, clap, wave, say a few words (mama, dada, kitty, hi and bye) and you are an expert at harassing the animals. In one year you have developed your own unique personality-you are calm and content like your dada most of the time but when something does not sit well with you (like when I take away the tv remote or wipe your face after dinner) you have a bit of a temper like your mama. You are so funny and have developed quite a sense of humor-I love to hear you laugh! In one year you have grown-going from 7 lbs 9 oz to an impressive 21 lbs! In one year you have developed likes (animals, music, books, peas, applesauce,) and dislikes (getting your nose suctioned, taking Motrin and your blow-up penguin)

As I watched you shove cake into your mouth for the first time I thought about all the adventures we have had together over the past year and I look forward to all the new adventures we will experience together as you grow. I am sad to see my baby grow up but am happy that you are healthy, happy and thriving. As you enter toddler hood I would like to quote a part of a book that you got for your birthday-yes it may be a bit cheesy and when you are older you will probably roll your eyes at me, but here it goes: "I will love you forever, I will like you for always, as long as I am living my baby you will be." One year ago today my life completely changed, I received the best gift ever- God blessed me with you!

Friday, January 8, 2010

As I look back at 2009 I can't believe what a wonderful, exciting, crazy year it has been! And through it all God has been right there with us in every step! Dennis dealt with several layoffs throughout 2009 after his job with Huey's Honda ended when they sold the auto body shop only months after Evie's birth. But God was right there and He was never went longer than a month without a job and even in between jobs he always found some kind of a side job. He is such a hard worker and takes such good care of his girls! He is now working at a small shop that has only been in buisness for a year. Although the hours are long he is very happy there and enjoys working with the 2 other guys at the shop. The owner really seems to appreciate his hard work and is very happy with the job he is doing.
I also have been keeping busy, still working as a cardiology nurse. I enjoy working with the doctors and patients. Evie is at the daycare at the hospital that I work at and I love to go see her on my luchbreak! Evie has been busy learning all sorts of new things. She waves hi and bye and sometimes will say buh buh (bye bye) as she waves goodbye. She says mama, dada and baba (bottle) and has attempted to say puppy (comes out like "pu"). She loves to mimick us when we blow raspberries, click our tounges or stick out our tounges-we are teaching her such great things (can you sense my sarcasm?!) she claps her hands-especially if we cheer. She loves "dance" when we put on music. Dancing for her involves shaking her head around and waving her arms in the air like a mad woman-but it is very cute I must say! She finally decided to start crawling about a month ago and now she is everywhere-she has a weird half army half inch bug looking crawl but she can get across a room in seconds! She is just starting to pull up on things-mainly my pant leg as she tries to climb up me! She is starting to get the hang of table foods and finger foods but as of now wants nothing to do with a sippy cup! I even tried drinking from a sippy cup to show her how much fun it was to drink like a big girl but she just threw her sippy cup down in fury and screamed until I gave her a bottle! Guess we will have to keep working on that one! She sleeps all night and generally takes good naps, often she will sit up and talk to herself in her crib until she gets tired enough to fall asleep. Christmas was soo much fun and we enjoyed watching Evie open her presents-although I could have saved a lot of money and just wrapped up empty boxes since she had more fun playing with the wrapping paper and eating bows. We are now in the process of planning her first birthday party-I can't believe my baby is almost 1! Where has the time gone?!