Monday, May 10, 2010

So for mother's day Evie "made" me a picture with a little poem (with the help of her daycare teachers of course) and honestly it brought tears to my eyes, so I just thought I would share the poem:

Hand prints

Sometimes you get discouraged

because I am so small

And always leave my fingerprints

on furniture and walls.

But every day I'm growing-

I'll be grown some day.

And all those tiny hand prints

will surely fade away.

So here's a little hand print

Just so you can recall

exactly how my fingers looked

wen I was very small.

and at the bottom were her little purple hand prints

This poem touched me since just a few days before I found myself grumbling about her fingerprints all over the TV-but one day she will be grown and I will miss those tiny hand prints covering my home. Evie girl, I love you so much and am proud to be your mommy and next time I see your hand prints covering something, I will smile and cherish this time that you are small. Because, as everyone has told me since you were growing in my belly and I am now finding it to be true-babies grow up too fast!


Often times I find myself saying a common phrase, one that many people use: "I will get to that tomorrow." For example, when I have spend all day cleaning, and not much time playing with my daughter I may rationalize it by saying "tomorrow I will spend more time with my girl". When the day is coming to an end and exhaustion is setting in, I reason "tomorrow I will read my devotions because I am just too tired tonight." After rushing out of the house in the morning with no more than a quick "bye" to my husband I reassure myself with the thought "tomorrow I will remember to kiss him and tell him that I love him." After a busy day at work I may think "tomorrow will be a better day to tell that hurting person about God's love." When I get too busy to call a friend or family member that I have not talked to in a while I tell myself "I will get to that call tomorrow."
But, we are not guaranteed a tomorrow. My tomorrow may never come. I do not know what tommorw will bring for me or for those I love. I may not get another opportunity to cuddle with my sweet baby. I may never get another day to spend playing and laughing with her. I may never have another chance to say " I love you" that one last time to my soul mate. I may not get another moment to share God's love with that hurting person. I may never be able to make that phone call to a loved one. My time on this earth is temporary for Heaven is my eternal home, but while I am here on this earth for a short time I pray that I can make each moment matter. God, help me keep my priorities in line, help me not to be distracted by the things of this world, but to keep focused on You first and foremost and secondly on those you have placed in my life while I am on this earth. Thank you God for my family and friends-I am truly blessed.